It’s a nice picture but totally fake. -
This was shot with a cell phone? The resolution should have been much better than this blurry picture. I’d say its fake. -
Why is the fairy the only thing lit? -
The eagle is too static to be real. There should be more motion. It looks like the eagle was stuffed and posed on that tree limb. Definitely fake. -
I want to believe that fairies are real. It would be a really wonderful thing if they were real but I don’t think that this is even a real picture. -
I believe in fairies not because I want to but because I have seen them with my own eyes. But, for the unbelievers they can only be seen as a story… Once upon a time…, I suppose that all good stories should start thus. Once upon a time, when I was much younger and perhaps more foolish than I am today, I use to go well beyond the boundaries that mark the end of civilization and the beginnings of the little explored realms of true wilderness left upon the planet. For it is within these realms that the true mysteries of the Earth remain hidden. It is only within these few remaining sacred places that the true magic of the world can still be found.
Sometimes to build a fire in these places is forbidden and only your heart can tell you the path you should take. On one such trip I sat on the edge of a lake that seemed to go on forever. Indeed, at night it was as though you looked out upon a crystal clear sea of glass that reflected the stars. It was there on the edge of the water that I saw her dancing. For a moment I was transfixed by a tiny apparition that danced out upon the water and vanished in the developing mist that formed over the lake as the night grew colder.
My mistake, if you can call it that, was in making a small fire to stave off the cold night air. They are drawn to fire, the fairies are, and they will come to see who dares invade their land. Woodland fairies are the most dangerous kind of fairy you could encounter and they do not like strangers. Many a hiker/camper has met with an untimely end from a chance encounter with woodland fairies deep in the forest. You may ask how I could survive where others before me have died and it would be a fair question.
Sometime long before that night I was touched by the magic, and changed by it, and now I see what others cannot. So when they came I could see them. There I was surrounded by a hundred or more woodland fairies. I was in some real trouble and I knew it. I did the only thing I could do, I invited them to come sit with me and warm themselves by my fire. Being polite can more often than not win you some friends in a room full of enemies and such was the case here. Intrigued by someone who could actually see them some ventured closer and it wasn’t long before I had a camp filled with fairies laughing, dancing, and telling me all kinds of stories. What a magical night that turned out to be. I sat and listened to songs and stories long into the night. Sometime during the night I told them about the apparition I had seen earlier. To my amazement my chance statement brought a halt (for a while anyway) to the festivities of the evening.
One fairy asked if I had really seen her and I replied that I had with a minute description of the tiny dancer that I had seen earlier. I was informed that she was indeed an apparition, the ghost of a young fairy who had danced herself to death and drown in the sea (large lakes are considered seas by most fairies) shortly after the tragic and untimely death of her best friend and lover. I was then treated to a once in a lifetime performance; one of the most haunting song/dance/story that the fairies tell.
The dancer that plays the part in the story is always one of the most enchanting female fairies you will ever see. The voice of the singer, operatic quality, leaves the melody dancing in your mind throughout the night. Two people to tell a story that will haunt you forever and leave you in tears.
~<The singer begins the melody without the words as the dancer takes her place collapsed in a heap at the edge of the lake crying her heart out.>~
She danced by the light of the moon on the edge of a calm crystal blue sea,
Whirling and turning, dipping and bowing, she danced to a nightingale's song.
Her golden hair reflected the stars as she spun in the air, lightly touching the ground,
Whirling and turning, dipping and bowing, dancing to the nightingale's song.
Her silky silver white gown flowed and floated on the gentle night breeze
As she whirled and turned, dipped and bowed, dancing to the nightingale's song.
She danced in the air on wings of golden blue filled with rainbow starlight,
Whirling and turning, dipping and bowing, dancing to the nightingale's song.
And she danced by the light of the moon on the edge of a calm crystal blue sea,
Whirling and turning, dipping and bowing, dancing to the nightingale's song.
Dancing with all her heart that one of the angels in Heaven might see her,
She whirled and turned, dipped and bowed, dancing to the nightingale's song.
Long into the blackness of night she danced; as it began to rain she danced.
Whirling and turning, dipping and bowing, dancing to the nightingale's song.
The thunder roared, and the lightening crashed, and still she danced.
Whirling and turning, dipping and bowing, dancing to the nightingale's song.
~<The dancer dances as though fighting the storm. The singer continues the melody without the words as the dancer dances out over the water and vanishes into the mist. Then after a few moments as if by magic the dancer reappears by the edge of the lake and continues to dance.>~
She dances still by the light of the moon on the edge of that crystal blue sea,
And she whirls and turns, dips and bows, dancing to a nightingale's song.
~<The dancer vanishes back into the mist as the melody slowly drifts into nothingness.>~
The singer tears your heart apart with the sorrow the young fairy must have felt after the death of her lover. You feel her anguish with every note. The dancer conveys her sadness with each step, each look, every movement she makes. Even with all the artistry the fairies can muster that will at the end of the story leave you sobbing like a little child it does not compare to the sadness of a young fairy that dances still by the light of the moon on the edge of crystal clear lake. -
This is so fake it’s not funny. The tree is a sycamore and not found in Colorado and an eagle would not likely to land in the center of the tree like that. They are more likely to land on the top or on one of the outer branches of the tree even if by some strange chance a sycamore tree was growing in this one location in Colorado. The leaves on the tree are as fake as the eagle and the fairy (models from Daz3D no doubt) and no amount of blurring the image is going to change that. The only thing that this is proof of is that fairies are still fairytales. -