Diet products can be broken down into two groups diet pills and diet meal programs. Diet pills only work if you follow the enclosed meal program and do some kind of basic daily exercise often also part of the diet program enclosed with the diet pills. The truth is that you could throw away the pills and just follow the enclosed meal and exercise program and lose the weight you want. Most diet pills do little good and are designed mostly to separate you from your money and the only thing that loses weight is your wallet and your bank account. There is no magic pill that is going to help you lose weight if you don’t learn to eat right and exercise. Actually, diet pills can sometimes be harmful over time or if abused.
Diet meal programs can cost $11 per day or more and won’t do any good if you cheat on the program. They also require you to exercise or become more active on a daily basis. These programs as well as the programs enclosed with diet pills often don’t take in to account your body type. All these programs are a one-
Body types sometime referred to as “somatotypes" and their supposed associated physical traits can be summarized as follows: Ectomorphic: characterized by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to as slim. Ectomorphs are not predisposed to store fat or build muscle. Mesomorphic: characterized by medium bones, solid torso, low fat levels, wide shoulders with a narrow waist; usually referred to as muscular. Mesomorphs are predisposed to build muscle but not store fat. Endomorphic: characterized by increased fat storage, a wide waist and a large bone structure, usually referred to as fat. Endomorphs are predisposed to storing fat.
Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle there are two things you have to learn to do, exercise and control your dietary intake. If you can’t do those two things then might as well keep stuffing your face and accept the fact you are always going to be fat.
To find out what type your body type is click here. To help you lose weight click here for free tips and free meal plans and other stuff.
Rapid weight loss is usually followed by rapid weight gain. It is better and healthier for you to lose weight slowly. The slower the better because you begin to develop better eating habits in the process. You also start thinking about what you are eating and how much you are eating. Even though you are still eating the foods you love, you eat less instead of stuffing yourself silly.
We follow a simple way of life that helps us to stay healthy. Eat a good breakfast, a medium size lunch, and a very simple dinner. When we want or need to lose weight we count calories and try to keep it at 1500 calories or less per day. If you eat a little more one day and a little less another it’s ok, it all balances out in the end. We usually fill up on salad at the end of the day because it is filling and it is not a lot of calories. A 6” Black Forest Ham (no cheese) or Veggie (with cheese) Subway sandwich is about 300 calories and 6 grams of fat or less. Try to stay away from eating lots of pasta and things loaded with fat. That is about as simple of a diet program as you can get and still eat what you want to eat. Just keep it below 1500 calories a day and get active.
We are already pretty active but in order for us to really lose weight if we kind of stall out we have to add some kind of exercise to burn off some of that extra fat but you need to add protein to your diet to keep from burning muscle mass instead of fat. A good protein shake after a workout will usually do the trick. It doesn’t take much to get active. Just get out and start walking around.
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